Areas Of Law

Divorce, Custody, and Child Welfare


I am here to support you through the difficulties of divorce. Having been through it myself, I understand the emotions and stressors associated with it and do not make light of the many decisions you are faced with during the process.  I offer comprehensive representation from the initial consultation, through mediation, and the final hearing, while providing a caring approach to help ease your mind during the process.

Already have a parenting plan? My office offers low fee consultations to discuss the process of modifying areas such as visitation and relocation or to discuss the process of contempt when a party fails to follow through with their commitments in the parenting plan.  

Having  issues with the Department of Children and Families? Having issues with Adoption of a committed child?  I have over 13 years of experience in working directly within the child welfare system and have worked as an attorney in representing parents, foster parents, and relatives. I have direct experience in assisting grandparents, non-relatives, and foster parents through the complexities of the Adoption Application Review Committee meetings and the subsequent Florida Statute Chapter 120 appeals for denied adoption applications. I can assist you through the process while advocating for your rights as a parent, grandparent, or custodian.




You have always taken care of your family, but have you made the proper arrangements to ensure your wishes are respected and your family is properly cared once you are no longer with them?

A Will is often an inexpensive way to help answer many questions for your family upon your passing and relieve them from guessing as to how you wanted your affairs handled. A Will can also allow you to care for your family in the way you wished.

An Inter Vivos Trust may be needed in life to help protect those benefitting from the Trust. A Testamentary Trust may be needed to protect your beneficiaries and to ensure your wishes in your Will are carried out. Contact our office to arrange a consultation to discuss the options available.